RFID Access Control System
An RFID access control system is a type of key card or key fob system that uses RFID technology to verify a user's identity. Most people have used an RFID door access system at one time or another. Among these RFID transponder solutions, keyfob, wristband and card are common form factors and different technologies are used to realize simple and more advanced access control with higher security and longer read range. Meanwhile, no ceiling can limit the ambition to add some more values to our access control products for commercial, residential, hospitality and parking applications.
Wearable with Hands-free Experience
Human body is composed of water and causes interference to affect the reading performance of a RAIN RFID (UHF) Wristband when people wear it. We have a revolutionary wristband to realize hands-free access control with its remarkable long reading performance powered by NXP UCode 8 chip on a specialized antenna. Hands-free solution helps you get access into a place without the need to reach your keyfob or card to the reader when you don’t have a spare hand. It brings convenience and comfort for your access control application.
Windshield Label for Easy Parking Management
Applying RAIN RFID (UHF) label onto the windshield or the headlight, a car can go through a specially-designed parking lot gate equipped with RFID readers. The unique ID number of the attached label is captured to be further analyzed in the back-end system to count the toll and grant access. Simply put, drivers will be identified by the tags that are provided to the management. There is no need to stop your car to pay the toll which brings a smooth driving experience to drivers. It not only removes the use of a token, keyfob or ticket (of course, no worry of losing it anymore) but also truly realizes a hands-free user experience. In some cases, this will also ensure security as only the registered tags (users) are allowed to enter.
More Than a Colorful Keyfob
“Be amazed with credentials made in Taiwan” has been our motto when we design our keyfob for your tasteful life. We rethink, redesign and rebuild our keyfob products. All of these happen via a background of years of craftsmanship and the belief in originality. We strive to make RFID Keyfob communicate not only to the readers, but also your charisma to the others by blending itself as a luxury. Also, we introduce a new technique to provide one more creative option to accommodate your vivid artwork or make the keyfob surface with a different texture. You don’t need to worry about the water and the humid environment will fade the color on the keyfob. It’s scratch resistant and waterproof.
PETF Card for High Temp Resistant
PETF Composite ISO card incorporates innovative PETF layers which offer the card with higher thermal stability and better mechanical strength. It survives 70,000 times of bending and torsion tests, far greater than the ISO/IEC 10373 regulation. PETF card optimizes a perfect direct-to-card printing, less distortion after a sudden heat buildup in the process. We have excellent printing results on these brand name models – Fargo, Zebra, Datacard, and Matica. Meanwhile, it has a greater durability to withstand the high storage temperature up to 100°C [212°F]. PETF ISO card proves itself in our selling of millions of cards for commercial and residential purposes within these years.
NFC Advanced Use Cases for Branding and Sensor Pairing
A typical Smart Label comprises of antenna and chip within top surface layer and bottom adhesive. Due to its simple structure, NFC label has a great flexibility in size and gives cost competitiveness compared to hard tag products. Meanwhile, artwork printing can be applied to the top paper to make your label with a style. NFC Label acts as a quick product solution to enable an item with NFC function.
NFC Label Facilitates Smart Branding
NFC Label enables Branding with tamper proof and other value-added features for you to discover. It brings protection to both your brand image and customer safety. To show you how it benefits you, SAG has Demo App to download.
1.Perishables (food and pharmaceutical or medical product)
2.Food processing
3.Vaccines or biologics
4.Temperature sensitive goods
2.Food processing
3.Vaccines or biologics
4.Temperature sensitive goods
1.Use on NFC enabled phone (Android or iOS operating system)
2.NFC Forum Type 5 compliant
3.Temperature Accuracy ±0.3°C from 40°C to +60°C
4.Credit card size and thickness in 1 mm
5.Easy installation by adhesive backing
6.Custom artwork possible
2.NFC Forum Type 5 compliant
3.Temperature Accuracy ±0.3°C from 40°C to +60°C
4.Credit card size and thickness in 1 mm
5.Easy installation by adhesive backing
6.Custom artwork possible
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Fake Label
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How Tamper Detect Function Works
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NFC Applications
NFC card can act as a medium to assist pairing another device out of reach whether in a narrow space or high place. Such a device can be a temperature or humidity sensor. Using your NFC-enabled phone to read this NFC card, you can activate Bluetooth pairing between the phone and sensor to allow data transfer. Meanwhile, the card body allows more information such as QR code or numbering to be printed as a method for visual recognition and identification.
- Built with PETF layer, NFC card has enhanced heat-resistibility up to 100 degrees in Celsius, making it ideally survive a high temperature environment.
- We also have paper card as an eco-friendly material which brings less impact or pollution to the environment when disposed.
How It Works?
1.Card surface provides an area for printing information to assist visual identification.
2. A Bluetooth temperature/humidity sensor is attached to an item stored in the cabinet.
3. No need to open the door. Read the NFC Card to activate the Bluetooth pairing between your phone and the sensor to allow data transfer.
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Fake Label
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Fake Label
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Fake Label
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